This 1-1 consultation is guaranteed to give you only one specific outcome
Spoon-Feed you what to invest into, which had outperformed Warren Buffett from 1996 to 2016*
*If we can't prove this, you will get a full refund with additional RM 20
Your advice is very logical and this 1-1 session is really beneficial.
The thing is I don’t have time to go and research about stocks…company and do value investing, because I am working and I have two young kids.
Andrew Seah (40) Kuala Lumpur Enterprise Software License Advisor at a Shell
I’ve attended a lot of session where most so-called experts give mindset and motivational advice. That’s not useful.
Your advisory is different. You are clear, concise and straight to the point with solid action steps. We need more of this kind of advisory.
Muhd Fuad (26), Kuching Electrical Engineer at PETRONAS
Your story-telling approach is very logical, backed by numbers and data.
I really enjoyed and appreciated it.
And I think it’s very worthwhile to go through the advisory session with you
Wendy Wong, Kuala Lumpur People and Organization Director, Southeast Asia at Mars Incorporated
I confessed that I have not been very consistent with my stocks investing
Therefore, I find this 1-1 session enlightening because you’ve shown me that index investing matches, and even beats Warren Buffett’s returns.
I mean, I recall he (Warren Buffett) also has been saying that you (should) just go and buy index…
Teo Jyr Jong (60+) Kuala Lumpur Retired from Oil & Gas Industry, A Savvy Investor
I was looking for an alternate way to invest in the market without being too actively involved, but the returns got to be above average than most, in other words won’t under-performed the broad market.
Your recommendation fits my requirement perfectly. Like what you said, investing is not about excitement, it’s all about profit. The price goes up-down, up-down but if you don’t earn a net profit, also useless.
All-in-all, I strongly believe index investing because I buy the concept of investment portfolio rather than a single stocks or counter.
Chiam EH (38) Penang IT-Software Engineer
Enough of learning from various investing or trading courses out there
I will cut to the chase and save you all the bullsh*t Here are what you will NOT be getting
- You will NOT get any 'step-by-step investing system' to follow
- You will NOT need to learn or do any fundamental analysis
- You will NOT need to learn or do any technical analysis
- You will NOT need to pay for any special trading software or app
- You will NOT need to dabble in any FOREX or stocks trading
- You will NOT need to invest into any hedge funds or private equity
- You will NOT need to use any complex instruments like options or CFDs
- You will NOT need to borrow $ to invest or trade
- You will NOT get any feel-good motivational talks from me
- You will NOT get any market outlook or predictions (because that's irrelevant)
- This is not any 'Get-Rich-Quick-Make-Bazillion-Dollars-in-your-slippers' scheme
Instead I will tell you what to invest in, on your own (Do-It-Yourself) Here are the 8 'Advisory Deliverables' you will gain from the 1-1 consultation
- You will DISCOVER what is 'Index X' which had beaten Berkshire Hathaway's returns from 1996 to 2016
- You will VERIFY with me every exact annual return % figures to prove they are authentic
- You will KNOW what Exchange Traded Funds that track 'Index X' performance
- You will LEARN exactly what to buy to track 'Index X' performance in Malaysia & Singapore
- You will get my RECOMMENDATIONS how to further enhance future returns using the aforementioned ETFs
- You will KNOW what accounts to open to invest in ETFs which track 'Index X'
- You will LEARN how to manage currency risks of investing into these ETFs
- You will be ABLE TO START IMMEDIATELY after the consultation session
597 one time1-1 consultation session via Skype conference call
- 1-1 Consultation (no time constraint)YES
- Video recording of the consultation session or a face-to-face meetingNO
797 one timeA copy of video recording during the Skype conference call or we meet face-to-face for consultation session
- 1-1 Consultation (no time constraint)YES
- Video recording of the consultation session or a face-to-face meetingYES
All payments are processed securely on PayPal SSL encrypted website
You will get RM 15 immediate cash rebate for Basic/Pro level when you pay via online banking
PAY for BASIC LEVEL: RM 582 (after RM 15 cash rebate)
PAY for PRO LEVEL: RM 782 (after RM 15 cash rebate)
After entering your name, email and contact#, you will be redirected to a page where you choose your bank. Login to your chosen bank online portal. After payment completion, you will be redirected back to new member registration page. is a secured payment platform in Malaysia endorsed by Maybank and CIMB
If you have a coupon code for 15% discount entitlement, please enter it below, click APPLY then only click PAY NOW
15% Off for Basic
15% Off for Pro
There is ZERO RISK to proceed with this 1-1 consultation
…because I am willing to put my reputation on the line on the 8 ‘Advisory Deliverables’.
Otherwise, I would consult for FREE, and you will RM 20 extra in your pocket on top of full refund.
What Happens from Payment to 1-1 Consultation
Pay via Credit Card/Paypal/Online Banking
You will be redirected to PayPal/Online Banking secure site via Billplz. Fill in your details and click SUBMIT. Paypal is the world's No 1 payment vendor so you are sure that all transactions are secure. Similarly, is a secured payment platform in Malaysia endorsed by Maybank and CIMB.
Wait to be Redirected to WarrenBuffettHQ site
After payment is successful, there is a link "CLICK HERE" for you to be redirected back to Otherwise, wait for 10 seconds and Paypal will auto redirect you.
Create your login username and password
After being redirected back to, you will be required to create your own username and password for first time login into the site.
Schedule your 1-1 Consultation Timeslot
Once you are inside members-only-area, you will be able to pick the date and the time to have 1-1 consultation session with me.
If you are located in Penang, a face-to-face meeting appointment can be arranged. Otherwise, the 1-1 consultation session will be conducted via Skype/Google Hangout with webcam and screen sharing.
I do not set any time constraint because some may absorb this information slower, some may be faster. We may also need to break the consultation session into 2 sessions per your convenience. My promise to you is that you will get all 8 Advisory Deliverables listed above.
You do not need to know (much) about investing or ETFs. Remember I am consulting for what that had beaten Berkshire Hathaway for the past 20 years, and how we could likely mirror that kind of performance using ETFs tracking 'Index X', in any economic conditions. I’ll show you exactly how to start from zero - what to do and how to do it (yes, you can say I am spoon-feeding you).
No, this is a 1-1 consultation session and you need to book my time slots for the 'live' 1-1 meeting.
Yes, there is 15% discount. Please let me know what if you previously bought any of these courses -, or Upon verification, we will send you the coupon code to be entitled for 15% discount.
I will not only refund you, but will top up RM 20 for lunch tomorrow as an apology if I cannot deliver all the advisory scopes mentioned in the table above.
However, if I've covered all the advisory scopes per my guarantee, there is no refund of consultation fees once done.